Business Polish Courses

Polish for Business
We have prepared business courses for you in groups or one on one lessons.

You already know the basics of Polish but communication in a business situation is important for you? We have prepared business courses for you in groups or one on one lessons.

Our Polish for Business course involves:

  • Introducing and consolidating vocabulary in areas like: management, marketing, finance, and advertising
  • Language tasks closely related to business situations
  • An emphasis on the development of linguistic competence in terms of business correspondence, negotiations, presentations, etc.
  • Small groups guaranteed
  • E-learning included in the price (*)

PRICE from: .

(*) Access to the online platform includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Han Lee about Polish lessons
Han Lee

Lekcje są interesujące i urozmaicone, a nauczyciele bardzo pomocni. Moja grupa jest bardzo międzynarodowa - to cenne doświadczenie.


Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.