POLSKI krok po  kroku – junior textbook

POLSKI krok po kroku – junior
The dialogues and texts are written in a lively language, as used by children and teenagers every day

‘POLSKI krok po kroku – junior’ was written by our teachers with the aim of working with children and young people aged 10 to 15 years.

Like the series for adults, the course book is written entirely in Polish, so that the pupils are immersed in the language from the first lesson and motivated to use it.

The dialogues and texts are written in a lively language, as used by children and teenagers every day. Additionally, a large number of recordings introduce the pupil to the natural sound of the Polish language and makes it easier to master the difficult art of eloquence.

Interwoven into the content of the book are elements of Polish culture, thanks to which the pupils also gain a basic knowledge of Poland.

A variety of exercises aimed at acquiring fluency in Polish bring the world closer to young people. The heroes of the course book meet at school and spend their free time playing football, riding bikes, going to the cinema. They participate in various projects - talent competitions, field games. They often contact each other using new technology - Facebook, SMS messages, blogs. The topics in the book are related to the everyday life of the students - shopping in the school store, dinner in the canteen, the journey to school, a football match...

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Nauka polskiego Andrzej Waslak
Andrzej Waslak

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