Polish language teaching methods

Teaching methods
During the course, we place special emphasis on improving communication skills

We run our classes based on proven original programs and our own textbooks, lexical and grammatical indexes and multimedia material from the series of course books "POLSKI krok po kroku" - created by our teachers. Naturally we also use a wide range of other materials for teaching Polish. In the school bookshelf you will find all the most popular teaching aids available on the market.

During the course, we place special emphasis on improving communication skills. From the first lesson we teach exclusively in Polish. We immerse you in the language, so that you can quickly overcome the language barrier.

We care about fluency, understanding the spoken language and expanding your vocabulary. At the same time we work on grammatical correctness, with the grammar topics always appearing in context and practiced in practical communicative situations.

Our lessons are always varied and dynamic - dialogues, role plays, discussions, communication games which motivate everyone to speak and a variety of linguistic exercises. Our teachers often come out for activities outside the school. One of them most important elements of the courses which we offer is the extra-curricular program, which give you an extra opportunity to practice Polish in real situations, often on the streets of Cracow.

Because our classes are held with international groups, the course is also an excellent chance to meet people from all around the world, and find out about the culture of the countries they come from and... talk about them in Polish.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Język polski dla obcokrajowców wg Eugene

Nauczyłem się bardzo dużo i jestem bardzo zadowolony. Nauczyciele byli bardzo wymagający, ale zajęcia były zawsze ciekawe i urozmaicone. Nigdy się nie nudziłem. Bardzo podobał mi się program dodatkowych zajęć - gotowanie, tradycje świąteczne, wyjścia do pubów i zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem. Poleciłbym tą szkołę każdemu, kto chce się nauczyć polskiego i ciekawie spędzić czas w Polsce.


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