Conversations in Polish - ONLINE

Conversations in Polish - ONLINE
Improve your vocabulary and become fluent in Polish!

Are you at a B1 level or higher? It's time to focus on conversation! Join our online course designed to help you perfect your speaking skills in Polish. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, you'll gain the confidence to speak fluently and naturally. Sign up today and take your speaking skills to the next level!

Our online conversation course focuses on:

  • emphasis on intensive speaking and listening comprehension
  • improvement of the correct pronunciation, accent and intonation
  • expanding your vocabulary through inspirational discussions on a variety of topics
  • dynamic, diverse and motivating communication exercises
  • constant interaction with other course participants
  • small international groups of participants

PRICE: 700 PLN / 167 EUR .

Write to us at and book your place today!

Free trial lesson - meet our teachers and see what our teaching methods look like.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Nauka polskiego Andrzej Waslak
Andrzej Waslak

Dużą pomocą w szkoleniu jest także udostępniony dla uczestników szkolenia i pracowników działu szkoleń system obsługi szkolenia online, który umożliwia szybki dostęp do wszystkich kluczowych informacji związanych z daną grupą, jej uczestnikami oraz przebiegiem szkolenia.


Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.