ONLINE Carnival course of Polish for foreigners

Carnival course of Polish - ONLINE
An unforgettable experience is guaranteed!

The fun is on,

music is playing,

the world is spinning,


you’re surrounded by the Polish language!

We invite you to the Carnival course of Polish - ONLINE. The development of communication skills is combined with the emphasis on understanding Polish culture and Carnival traditions.

Carnival is a period of parties, balls, and masquerades – you can spend it in good company and learn Polish in a Carnival atmosphere. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed!

Take part in fantastic workshops exploring the secrets of the Polish calendar, try fortune-telling by learning about horoscopes, and create a top list of New Year’s resolutions with the teachers and other students. Thanks to the extra classes, you will experience what Carnival is and how people celebrate it in Poland.

The ONLINE carnival course means many more extra classes, workshops, and meetings, all of which will be in a friendly and joyful atmosphere!

Enter the Virtual Classroom and prepare yourself for complete immersion in the Polish language!

PRICE: 190 EUR book now!

Alina Jabłońska Domurat about polish language course
Alina Jabłońska Domurat

Ogromnie mi się podoba pasja i zaangażowanie, z jakim lektorki prowadzą zajęcia. Bardzo praktyczne zajęcia, przydatne zwłaszcza dla początkujących nauczycieli języka polskiego. Ciekawym doświadczeniem jest również wymiana doświadczeń z nauczycielami z różnych regionów Europy i Świata.


Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.