Club 50+ Polish Language Course

Club 50+
We introduce you to the secrets of the Polish Language and immerse you in Polish culture

You are 50 years old, but you are still young at heart and like to take up new challenges? You want to learn Polish or perfect your knowledge of the language? You want to spend your holidays creatively and actively learning about Polish history, cuisine and traditions up close? Welcome to our Club 50+ course, during which we introduce you to the secrets of the Polish Language and immerse you in Polish culture.

The Club 50+ course involves:

  • Learning or perfecting the Polish language in an intimate group
  • Participants of a similar age
  • Varied and motivating activities
  • Developing your skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • An emphasis on practical language use - speaking and understanding
  • International groups
  • An attractive program of extra-curricular activities, tailored to the expectations of this age group
  • E-learning included in the price (*)

PRICE from: .

(*) Access to the online platform includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Nauka polskiego wg Heidi

Postanowiłam na emeryturze podjąć trudne wyzwanie - nauczyć się polskiego. Wybrałam Kraków i szkołę Glossa, cieszącą się bardzo dobrymi opiniami. Nie żałuję - nauczyłam się sporo i spędziłam tutaj wspaniały czas. Nauczycielki były urocze i potrafiły bardzo ciekawie prowadzić zajęcia. W Glossie spotkałam też ludzi z całego świata i wszyscy bardzo dobrze żeśmy się bawili.


Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.